FreakOut And Five Commercial Broadcasters In Tokyo Have Partnered To Develop TVer PMP, An Advertising Marketplace For Video Distribution Services

FreakOut is pleased to announce its collaboration with five commercial broadcasters in Japan. They are Nippon TV, TV Asahi, TBS TV, TV Tokyo and Fuji TV. Together, they developed TVer Private Marketplace (PMP), an in-stream advertising marketplace with premium advertising inventory, that caters to both domestic and overseas demand-side platforms (DSPs) 1. It is developed by FreakOut’s proprietary product, Red for Publishers2 and commercial TV portal TVer3.

TVer allows viewers to watch programs around the clock on any device. The number of program playbacks from April-June 2019 exceeded 200 million times; the number of video playbacks in June 2019 was 73.65 million times; monthly active users (MAU) was 8.17 million; and it saw a total of 37 million downloads4. The distribution of in-stream video ads on TVer5 is expected to expand further into the video advertising market.

TVer PMP acts as a platform to in-stream video advertisements in between high quality TV programming content. As this is strictly managed by each broadcasting station, it addresses the issues of brand safety and viewability that concerns the traditional digital advertising market. In addition, advertisements are inserted in the same format as regular TV programs, which increases the completed view rate compared to other in-stream video advertisements. For instance, the average completed view rate of all five broadcasters in May 2019 was 93.6%.

It is the first time ever that all five commercial broadcasters in Tokyo are contributing to one another’s advertising inventory in the marketplace. Each advertiser broadcasts through a DSP connected to the TVer PMP. It will be possible to distribute collectively across the station inventory.

FreakOut will continue to use its technology and know-how to expand its functions, develop an advertising distribution platform that maximizes advertising revenue for publishers and provide jointly operated services. At the same time, FreakOut will provide advertisers with opportunities to place premium inventory.

This service is only limited to Japan. Thus, these videos cannot be played outside of Japan.


1 About provision to DSPs:
FreakOut ensures that the advertising marketplace adheres to strict guidelines while providing inventory to DSP companies. In order to ensure the quality of the advertisements as well as the quality of the program content, the DSPs will be certified by the five commercial broadcasters in Tokyo.

2 About Red for Publishers:
Red for Publishers provided by FreakOut is a service that supports the development of publishers’ premium advertising products and the construction of advertising platforms for publishers. Since its launch in September 2017 as a development support product for publishers, many of them have used it for the purpose of developing and operating advertising distribution platforms.

3 About TVer:
Launched in October 2015, TVer is an official TV portal operated by five private broadcasters in Tokyo — Nippon TV, TV Asahi, TBS TV, TV Tokyo, and Fuji TV. Collaborating with 5 private broadcasters in Osaka —MBS TV, ABC TV, TV Osaka, Kansai TV, Yomiuri TV, officially approximate of 200 programs with the advertisements are distributed for free on PCs, smartphone apps, tablet apps and TV apps.

4 About video playback count, MAU, number of downloads and complete playback rate:
TVer News release (
TVer Media Guide July 2019 edition (

5 About the video distribution service that each broadcasting station owns:
Nittele muryo, Teleasa catch-up, TBS FREE, Net mo Teletou, FOD minogashi muryo, MBS douga ism, Asahi Broadcasting TV, TV Osaka, Kantele Doga, ytv MyDo! refers to a video distribution service operated independently by the homepage domain or its own application.

About FreakOut, Inc.

FreakOut is Japan’s first marketing technology company that launched DSP. FreakOut is providing a marketing platform “FreakOut” aimed at brand marketing, increasing awareness, stimulating demand, and acquiring new prospective customers, and a mobile marketing platform “Red” that streamlines customer acquisition and promotion activities on the mobile by using a state-of-the-art original machine learning engine and “Red for Publishers” which supports the development and operation of proprietary advertising distribution platforms. Our platform is used by over 15,000 accounts, including telecommunication carriers, airlines, beverage manufacturers and toiletries. In addition, we provide geo-marketing products ASE Ad and ASE Analytics that utilize knowledge in the marketing technology field to support the resolution of various issues facing distribution and retailing. For more information, please visit


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